
Dollars and Scents!


We added new retail items to our line to add comfort to CPAP and oxygen therapy.


Bring the power of holistic healing to your CPAP therapy with these 16 unique and refreshing aromatherapy scents. The aromatherapy uses calming scents to make your overall CPAP experience more enjoyable.

To use our new aromatherapy kit simply place one drop of aromatherapy into the white diffusion pad. Then either place the diffuser stand directly beneath your machine’s air filter or bend the legs of the diffuser base to make an elevated stand. Natural oils create comforting sensations and help to soothe and relax.

Our starter kit includes the minty fresh Clear scent, made from peppermint, lime and soothing lavender. The starter kit also includes the more calming Peace scent, a relaxing scent made from French lavender, clary sage and marjoram to enhance a restful sleep. All of our aromatherapy products are made with all natural essential oils.

The diffusion pads are completely reusable. We recommend using the same dedicated pad for each type of oil. Scented pads may be stored in the included plastic bags to preserve the scent.

Sunset Order#
CAP5001 – Aromatherapy Starter Kit
CAP5002 – Replacement Aromatherapy Pads
CAP5003 – Replacement Aromatherapy Tray
CAP5004 – 30ml Aromatherapy Refills 

CPAP Pillows

Specialty pillows designed for CPAP users to allow comfortable sleep for all mask types in any position. The cut outs on the left and right sides of the pillow allow the user to be comfortable when sleeping with any mask.

The CPAPmax offers 4 pillows in one. One side is memory foam or flip it over for a standard fiber pillow. There’s also a ¾ in. foam layer in the center of the pillow that can be removed to adjust the thickness of the pillow. Additional pillow styles and replacement covers also available.

Sunset Order#
CAP4003 – CPAPmax Pillow
CAP4002 – 5in High Profile Pillow
CAP4001 – 4in Standard Profile Pillow

RoEzIt Moisture Therapy

Petroleum-free lotion with Aloe vera and vitamins A & E. Apply at beginning of treatment and as needed to maintain soft skin and eliminate discomfort from dry/cracking skin. Use to moisturize the nose, lip and over the ear where friction may cause discomfort from the oxygen cannula or CPAP mask. Prevent chafing, irritation, dryness or cracking.

Sunset Order#
CAP6100L – CPAP Moisture Therapy – 1oz Tube
CAP6100S – CPAP Moisture Therapy – 3cc Sample Tube
RES6104L – RoEzIt Dermal Care – 1oz Tube
RES6104S – RoEzIt Dermal Care – 3cc Sample Tube


Introduction to Oxygen Cylinders


For patients who use supplemental oxygen, portable cylinders can be a great way to allow them freedom to move around as they please. Here we’ll review the types of oxygen cylinders, how to determine the best size and key accessories.

What are the different sizes of Oxygen Cylinders?

Two sets of names are used to differentiate between oxygen cylinder sizes. The original set uses an alphabetical system, starting with A for the smallest size and E for the largest portable size. The new naming system begins with the letter “M,” for “medical,” followed by a number that signifies the amount of cubic feet of oxygen in that can be compressed into the cylinder. So the original B cylinder is now often referred to as an M-6 cylinder because it can hold 6 cubic feet of oxygen. Below, see the handy chart that matches oxygen cylinder sizes with their dimensions, capacity and accessories.

How do I know which size is best for my client?

The optimal size will depend on a client’s lifestyle and prescribed flow rate. The most common size is the M6. However, if the client is confined to a wheelchair, a larger E cylinder with a wheelchair bag may be more appropriate. Or, if he or she only leaves the house for short periods of time and weight is an issue, a smaller M4 cylinder may be better.

To determine how long an oxygen cylinder will last, there are several factors to consider: The patient’s prescribed flow rate in L/minute; the tank capacity in liters and whether they are using a regulator or a conserver. A regulator will provide continuous flow at a given flow rate. A conserver will sense when the patient is breathing and only expel oxygen when the patient is breathing in. Most conservers allow the tanks to last three to five times longer, but can be up to 10 times as expensive as regulators and are not reimbursed by insurance companies so they are not always worth the extra cost.

What accessories will my client need?

All patients should be supplied with a cylinder wrench and a “No Smoking” sign (it is recommended that patients hang a sign on all entrances to the building as well as in the room where the oxygen is being delivered).

For portable tanks, a carrier bag or cart is recommended. The most common bags range in sizes from M6, which can hold M6, M4 and M2 cylinders, up to E bags, which can be attached to a wheelchair or scooter. M6 bags often have straps to keep smaller cylinders in place. This can help reduce bag inventory by not having to stock separate bags for patients with small tanks. Many different styles are available with the most common being shoulder bags, backpacks and wheelchair bags. Bag type can be based on the patient’s preference; however, it is recommended that all bags are made of nonflammable materials.

The final accessory needed is a regulator or conserver. When selecting one, keep in mind that there are two main types of valves on oxygen cylinders. CGA 870 styles are used on tanks that are size E and smaller. CGA 540 style valves are used on larger, nonportable tanks. So you will want to select the type of regulator or conserver that matches the valve on your patient’s cylinder.

Oxygen cylinder specs
Illustration by Patrick Holbrook, Sunset Healthcare Solutions


CategoriesOxygen,  Reducing Costs

Reducing Supply Costs


Shop around for oxygen supplies in the New Year.

Controlling costs on supplies isn’t a new concept for most oxygen home care providers. Unlike the CPAP market where suppliers are reimbursed for each product provided to patients, oxygen suppliers are reimbursed a flat rate for each patient, no matter how many supplies they provide. But with the Affordable Care Act and competitive bidding, suppliers need to push those cost savings even further.

When everyone is getting reimbursed the same amount, you don’t want to be the one paying more for your supplies. The biggest tip I can give you is to shop around. If your company has been purchasing supplies from the same manufacturer for years, this might be a great time to shop for new suppliers.

Are All Oxygen Filters Created Equal?

Off-brand companies frequently carry the same quality supplies or even the exact same products for a lower cost, but they don’t have the name recognition. Let’s say you purchase your oxygen concentrators from Acme Manufacturing. That concentrator comes with a foam filter that needs to be replaced regularly. Acme probably does not manufacture that filter; they likely purchase it from a supply company that makes various products such as foam pillows and mattresses in addition to filters. That foam supply company probably sells the same filter to multiple manufacturers and distributors, so in many cases you can get the exact same filter from a different company for a lower price.

Additionally, there are companies that focus mainly on replacement parts for all of the different manufacturers, sort of like the “AutoZone” of the oxygen industry. You can buy an air filter for your Ford Explorer directly from Ford, or you can go to AutoZone and get one for your Explorer and your Audi in the same place for a lower price.

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) like our fictional Acme Manufacturing or real companies such as Ford make most of their money on the original device like the car or the oxygen concentrator, not the filters, so they don’t focus on offering the best value for replacement parts like some other distributors and manufacturers do.

How-to Guide

The first step to finding better prices is to research supplier options. Industry tradeshows and publications like HomeCare and HME News are great resources to find other manufacturers and distributors who might offer the same products you are currently purchasing at a lower price. They may not be a name you recognize, but they might carry parts for many of the brands that are familiar to you or that you already carry like Invacare, Philips Respironics or DeVilbiss.

Reach out to a few of those companies and ask them what they would be willing to do to earn your business. Let them know that you are interested in potentially switching suppliers and you would like to have some samples of their products shipped to your office for testing purposes. Manufacturers are often willing to provide free samples so they can prove the quality of their products to you. Distribute samples to your patients and see how they compare to the products from your current supplier.

Additionally, check with those suppliers to see if they have any price breaks with higher quantities, sales promotions or free services they can provide to sweeten the deal. Many suppliers are able to provide services such as private labeling, kitting and free or discounted shipping, as well as product guarantees or discounts for new customers, but you won’t know until you ask. The suppliers that are willing to work hard to earn your business are probably the same ones that will offer extra service and perks to keep you happy in the future. In the end, you might decide to stay with your current supplier, but at least you have done your due diligence and know you are getting the best prices you can.


Introduction to Pulse Oximeters


How they work and how to select the best products for your client.

Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method for monitoring the oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) in your patients’ blood. SpO2 is the percentage of oxygen that blood carries compared to the maximum it is capable of carrying. A normal rate is 94-99% in adults. Patients with COPD or other lung diseases generally have blood oxygen levels of 92% or lower, causing them to require supplemental oxygen treatment.

 When is a pulse oximeter used?

In general, pulse oximeters are used to provide insight into the functioning of the patient’s respiratory system. It can be used anytime these levels need to be tested or diagnosed.

In the senior care and homecare setting, a portable pulse oximeter like the one shown above is most commonly used to treat or diagnose patients with respiratory diseases that cause low levels of oxygen in their blood when they breathe air. A pulse oximeter is an easy, non-invasive way to measure oxygen levels at any time so supplemental oxygen amounts can be adjusted as needed throughout the day.

In addition, different types of pulse oximeters are also commonly used in the hospital setting, often during surgery with anesthesia or in the recovery room. They are also used in sleep labs as a part of sleep apnea diagnosis. In a non-medical setting, pilots and athletes commonly require spot checks at high altitudes or during rigorous training.

How do pulse oximeters work?

Generally, pulse oximeters work by shining two different kinds of light (red and infrared) through a thin part of a patient’s body, usually a fingertip or earlobe. Blood absorbs light differently depending on the level of oxygen it contains: oxygenated blood absorbs more infrared light than red light. So by comparing the changes in amounts of red and infrared light received, the instrument can calculate the SpO2 reading.

As a side benefit, you can also check your pulse, as the increase in the amount of blood with each heartbeat also affects the light.

 Is a prescription required for pulse oximeters?

It depends on the device and how it’s being used. According to the FDA, if an oximeter is accurate enough to diagnose or treat a disease, a prescription is generally required. If not, a prescription may not be needed. For example, if an athlete or rockclimber wanted to monitor their pulse and oxygen levels, they could purchase an OTC model that is not intended for diagnosis and would not require a prescription. To be sure, ask the manufacturer where you purchased the device.

What type of pulse oximeter does my client need?

There are three common types that fit a variety of needs. The most common is the portable fingertip pulse oximeter, which is often used at home. It is relatively inexpensive, lightweight and easy to use. However, it doesn’t always provide an accurate reading for those with circulatory problems. Also, it is designed for spot checks, instead of continuous monitoring so there are also several other options available.

The handheld pulse oximeter is most commonly used in hospitals and has a clip and wire attached to a handheld monitor. It can be clipped to a finger, earlobe or toe in an emergency situation and can be used for spot checks or continuous monitoring. The monitor can record the patient’s information for several hours at a time. Many models also come with a built-in alarm that sounds if the patient’s SpO2 or pulse rate goes outside a designated range. Some also include the ability to connect directly to a printer to prevent documentation errors.

The final type is a wrist pulse oximeter that has a small fingertip sensor that is attached to a wristwatch style recording system that continuously monitors the blood oxygen saturation level and pulse rate. It is ideal for monitoring daily activities or for an overnight sleep study because it allows the freedom to perform daily tasks and has a memory that can last for several days at a time.


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Sunset Healthcare Solutions
141 W Jackson Blvd Ste 1950
Chicago IL 60604

Phone: 877-578-6738
Fax: 312-997-9985

Copyright © 2025 Sunset Healthcare Solutions. All Rights Reserved.

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